Re: Request for Proposal (RFP)
Dear NAME,
Our not-for-profit social service organization, ORGANIZATION, is requesting a nonprofit audit and tax proposal from several CPA firms who have extensive experience in providing nonprofit auditing and tax services to not-for-profit associations. If you feel you fit that description, we invite you to submit a proposal.
The following information regarding the organization and financial status should help you prepare your proposal.
1. Our Organization
1.1 Background and History:
1.2 Current financial information
2. Audit timing
ORGANIZATION utilizes a fiscal year, which ends YEAR END. We anticipate that we would be prepared for the nonprofit audit to begin by DATE and would expect the delivery of financial statements and management letter by DATE. We would also expect the timely filing of all tax returns.
3. Services to be provided
Our organization requests a bid from your firm to:
- Audit the financial statements for the years ending YEAR END.
- Prepare a management letter.
- Prepare and review our tax returns (990).
- Be available to answer questions that may arise throughout the entire year(s).
If you decide to submit a proposal, we will make available to you:
- The current financial statements
- Current trial balance
- The latest tax return
- Chart of accounts
- Organization chart
4. Proposal Specifications
Please provide the following information in your proposal. Since we will be comparing the qualifications of a number of firms, please provide the information in the order requested.
4.1 Firm philosophy in providing services to organization
- Provide a brief description of your firm.
- Describe what engagements your firm currently has in our industry. If partners or other employees serve in an advisory capacity, please list such positions.
- Describe your firm’s basic approach to performing a nonprofit audit and the resulting advantages, which will accrue to our organization. You should identify how a job is planned, scheduled, partner and manager commitment, quality control, and other areas in which you feel you are unique.
4.2 Other services available through your firm
4.3 Scheduling and staffing of engagement
- Identify the engagement team which would be performing our nonprofit audit and include a resume of the qualifications and experience for partners, managers, and senior staff.
- Indicate the expected timing and completion of the nonprofit audit and the expected delivery of the financial statements and management letter (this should directly correlate with our needs)
- Indicate what assistance is required by our accounting staff to be provided to the engagement team.
4.4 Fees
- Provide information regarding your audit fee for our nonprofit audit. State whether or not expenses are included in your fee structure.
- Describe whether and how you bill for overruns. State how your organization can reduce any overruns and how we can be assured of no “surprise” billings.
- Explain your firm’s availability and billing for advice and counsel during the year.
4.5 Other proposal information
5. Proposal Deadline:
The deadline for receipt of your proposal submission is DATE. No proposals received after that date will be considered. All proposal submissions will be responded to once a decision has been made. If you have questions concerning the RFP, please contact CONTACT. We appreciate your consideration of our proposal.
Please address your proposal as follows: