Census 2020: The Resources and Information You Need to Take Action!

The Census is coming in 2020, and the stakes are high for Washington State. The data gathered through the Census is used to distribute funds for schools, health and social services, roads, and  other programs that make our state a special place to live. It is important for nonprofits to support the count so that our communities receive the resources they deserve. 

Washington Nonprofits is here to be a resource to your nonprofit or community group for all things related to the 2020 Census. We know how busy you are, so our goal is to make it easy for you encourage your community to get counted. Below are some of the ways you can help.

Free Outreach Materials

Visit our resources page to access the materials in our 2020 Nonprofit Census Action Kit. You can download and print posters, stickers, handbills, and other items.  Our toolkit design has been informed by statewide stakeholder research. Download and read the summary report here.

Census Cohort

Washington Nonprofits is convening a cohort of nonprofit organizations who are doing Census work via a list server and occasional video conferences. Our Cohort will be a forum for sharing information, exchanging resources and materials, and building new partnerships between nonprofits. Email Census@washingtonnonprofits.org to learn more and get involved.

Technical Assistance

Have a Census question? Not sure how to get started with Census work? Or just want to bounce ideas? We’re here to help, so just send us an email and we’ll set up a time to provide individualized help and support to your nonprofit. 

Partner Matching

Don’t go it alone while doing Census work! Tell us where you’re working and what you’re doing so we can connect you to potential partners. Building partnerships will reinforce messages and activities in communities, so don’t miss out on amplifying your impact.  

Information Updates

Join our Census listserv to receive the latest updates on the 2020 Census via email. We’ll be sending out breaking news, funding opportunities, and information about tools created by partner organizations. Sign up by emailing Census@washingtonnonprofits.org.

Educational Webinars and Materials

We’ll be hosting a series of webinars about the Census and curating information to help nonprofits. Make sure you stay connected to us so you don’t miss opportunities for learning and action.  

Other Resources

  • Watch this webinar from Nonprofit Vote on how to plan for 2020 Census work. 
  • Visit NonprofitsCount.org to learn more about the role nonprofits can play in the 2020 Census.
  • Connect with the Washington Census Alliance, which is a statewide coalition of organizations led by, and who serve communities of color, in order to focus energy and resources on historically undercounted communities in their regions and throughout Washington state. 
  • Download the fact sheet about the Census and response confidentiality.


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    Jacobson Jarvis was founded in 1991 as the only certified public accounting firm in the Northwest to focus its nonprofit audit, tax, and consulting capacity on the not-for-profit community.

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