two women talking at a table with notebooks out in front of them

Using Association Sponsorship Packages To Generate Non-Dues Revenue

When an association is looking for ways to generate outside-the-box income, selling sponsorships often comes to mind.

Many organizations choose to offer sponsorship packages to generate revenue in ways outside the typical member dues, one-off cash donations, or merch or ticket sales to classes and events. Associate sponsorship packages also give businesses the opportunity to support a cause they care about and spread the word about your mission and how corporations can make an impact.

[Related: Advertising Income or Sponsorship Contribution?]

What Are Association Sponsorship Packages?

So what exactly is a sponsorship package? Sponsorship packages are agreements between a sponsor or advertiser and an organization. 

These agreements allow sponsors to support an organization and contribute non-dues revenue. In turn, the organization promotes their business. 

What Do Sponsorship Packages Include?

Before you create a sponsorship package, research and choose a pricing level based on the amount your association needs to raise or other long-term goals. Then, focus on who your target sponsor and audience are before pitching.

Corporate sponsorship packages typically include components like these:

  • A personal introduction or cover letter
  • An outline of your nonprofit’s mission, with short- and long-term goals
  • An overview of who your general audience and supporters currently are
  • The different sponsorship package levels and prices
  • The benefits of sponsoring
  • Testimonials from current supporters

Perhaps the most critical element of a sponsorship package is the “why” of it. Your sponsorship package should focus on your association’s intent and how this type of support will further your mission. 

Additionally, let potential sponsors know how you’ll help them through advertising their services or products. This exchange of value is the basis of association sponsorship packages.

[Related: Fiscal Sponsorships vs. Fiscal Agency]

Types of Sponsorship Packages

When crafting your sponsorship packages, you might choose from a variety of types.

Tiered Sponsorship Levels

The most common way to organize your sponsorship levels is to use tiered pricing. Each tier has different benefits and costs. This lets sponsors choose a level that works for them rather than commit to something they can’t fit into their budgets.

À La Carte Sponsorship

À la carte sponsorships are single sponsored items or events. For example, a business could pay to sponsor a small gathering, a piece of office furniture or decor or a photobooth at a party.

Financial Event Sponsorship

Essentially, a financial event sponsorship is when a business gives money in exchange for a nonprofit promoting its brand at a convention, benefit, class or other event. This promotion increases the business’s exposure.

Goods or Services Sponsorship

Goods or services sponsorships come in the form of products, equipment, services and food. For example, a pizza restaurant could sponsor a local nonprofit and serve its pizza at parties or fundraising events. 

Promotional Sponsorship

A promotional sponsorship is basically what it sounds like. A business or influencer promotes an event or organization to their wider audience in exchange for the nonprofit’s recognition.

[Related: Speed-Reading Nonprofit Financial Statements]

Benefits of Association Sponsorship Packages

Association sponsorship packages benefit your nonprofit in multiple ways:

  • Increasing revenue from multiple sources 
  • Boosting awareness 
  • Creating solid relationships with local like-minded businesses and people in your community 

This exchange also gives value to the business. It helps businesses amplify brand awareness and exposure, establish new connections and strengthen their reputations as companies that care about causes.

Partner With Jacobson Jarvis Today

From financial health checkups and tax services to customized training events, Jacobson Jarvis is ready to help you with all your not-for-profit financing and accounting needs. At Jacobson Jarvis, we provide unmatched quality of work and customer service for the entire nonprofit community. 

Contact us today to get started.

Featured image via Unsplash


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    Jacobson Jarvis was founded in 1991 as the only certified public accounting firm in the Northwest to focus its nonprofit audit, tax, and consulting capacity on the not-for-profit community.

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