Hellens Cruz Sanchez, CPA

Audit Senior

Hellens Cruz Sanchez comes to Jacobson Jarvis with 22 years of accounting experience in review and audit of financial statements, including passthrough compliance by non-profit entities, and fraud investigations. Originally from Panama, Hellens was an avid competitive orator and Valedictorian in high school.  Since relocating to the United States, she has contributed to the Program Committee of the Association of Government Accountants in Tennessee. Additionally, she was a board member of Certified Fraud Examiner in Middle Tennessee. In her free time, Hellens is involved in her local church, where she teaches Sunday school. She also participates in the lives of her special needs children and promotes fundraising efforts in her local community.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”

–Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta

About Me

  • Mother of two
  • Loves the beach and fresh air
  • Has met Mother Theresa


  • Bachelors in Business Administration with Concentration in Accounting
    Austin Peay State University
  • Associate of Arts
    University of Kentucky/Fort Campbell, and
  • Bachelors in Commerce
    Bolivar Commercial Institute in Panama.


I am a member of the Association of Government Accountants (AGA), and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). 

My mission is through integrity, transparency, accountability and professionalism help non-for-profits attain their missions.